
Herbal Medicine Consultations

Holley provides custom-tailored natural and non-invasive health care which is unique to you, as there is no one-size-fits-all solution to any condition or issue. Treatment is based on your individual needs, medical conditions, lifestyle factors and specific goals.  See below for more information about our consultations.

Personalised Healing Body Treatments

Need some time out, and want to feel yourself again? Holley will use a variety of Anthroposophical
treatments using a range of techniques which may include rhythmical oiling, compresses, foot baths,
and ointment cloths using plant, metal or mixed ointments.
Your body and nervous system will thank you for the experience.


Initial consult: $90
The initial visit is 60 minutes.  This includes a minimum of 30 minutes research time post consult. 

Follow up consults: $65
Follow-up visits are usually 30-45 minutes

Herbal tinctures: $TBA for 100mls, $TBA for 200mls

Herbal teas: $12

Herbal creams: $19.95

The consultation is likely to include:

  • Carrying out initial consultations with patients to identify the underlying cause of the symptoms of a condition or illness – usually comprising of a series of detailed questions covering all the systems of the body and medical history.
  • Using knowledge of plant medicines to prescribe a person-specific herbal formula, appropriate for the treatment of a wide range of illnesses, with the aim of assisting the body’s own healing properties (if required)
  • Dedicated research time to advise patients on diet, lifestyle and develop a treatment plan specific to their symptoms or conditions.
  • Undertaking follow-up appointments to assess patient progress.

Other responsibilities:

  • Referring patients to other health practitioners, where appropriate
  • Being available to patients, either in person, by phone or by email (within normal business hours)
  • Keeping up to date with new research